Saturday, April 21, 2012

On the go breakfast

I sat down today and figured up in the checkbook how much we have spent in the last month on drive-thrus, and gas station "drink" stops. I will just tell you now, the total was AWFUL! So I sat down with the kids and they gave me a list of stuff that they like to eat for snacks and gave me some ideas for breakfast food. This next month, I'm going to try to do up breakfast foods and put them in the freezer so all I have to do is pull food out and everyone can grab n' go.  I like the idea, don't you? The snacks next month are going to go in individual snack size baggies so it will make life easier for grabbing 'n going.  Here is a link that you can click on to give you ideas for grab n' go breakfast ideas.

1 comment:

Stephanie Lynn Burley said...

Thanks for posting this. I would probably cry a river if I were to do the whole drive thru total thing. :-( Lack of planning robs one of $.