Thursday, September 25, 2008

A great buy

I was out shopping the other day and found these boots for Madelyn for $5. They were originally $15. I was very excited. I always put these boots on her with those cute sock tights (they have the designs on them) in the winter time. Anyways, I thought that I would share my great buy with you.


Anonymous said...

Those boots are adorable! I enjoyed the pictures from your previous post as well. It would've been neat to see you. I had no idea you lived that close until Heather told me. Maybe next time!

Hannah said...

Very cute, and great buy!

Jenna Dewhurst said...

ok...I've got a blog but I can't figure anything out!!!!!

Martha C said...

I'd love boots like that if I had a girl! How fun to find good bargains.