Sunday, August 19, 2007

A change in our life

For all of those who read my blog. Today Aug -19 - 07, in the morning service we put in our resignation. It was very difficult, but Chris and I for the past two months have felt like God was telling us it is our time to leave. Our last Sunday is Sept. 2nd. We have a trial sermon on Sept. 9th. in a little town about 20 miles west of Athens OH. That would be an hour and half from Columbus OH. Anyways, please pray for us. Whatever works out for us, we cannot move until Dec. 13th. because Chris has already started the fall semester at IU. We need to sell our home,also. Pray that God will work everything out.

I have pics to post of the kids, but I am having problems with my camera loading pics to the computer.

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