Thursday, October 16, 2008

A 2nd response to my 2nd annonymous comment

In response to my annonymous lurker. When you first made the comment on my blog, you worded things as if you were not apart of the holiness movement or even a christian. But from your second comment, you obviously have a very strong background in the holiness movement. My husband and I always respect people and their convictions, but it feels like you are being very critical and judgemental with me and what I let my kids do because I don't have the same standard/conviction as you. That is the problem I have with the radical holiness people, they have all of these convictions and if anyone does anything that they don't do, then they are not christians, or holiness. They are considered liberals. Now, my husband and I feel like you are a coward because you are saying all of these harsh statements and making it sound like we are not Christians because of this, and your doing it all under annonymous name. Now I am going to ask you, out of respect, that you please tell me who you are and where your from. Now, after you tell me your name, etc. I am going to ask you to please never visit my blog again. I have created this for family and friends to be able to keep in contact with us, and you are using this as a way to be critical and judgemental and show a un-christ like spirit. There are alot of people out there, even in my blogging world, that may do things that I don't agree with, but I would never in a million years think about leaving a comment on their blog de-christianizing them in what they do. What convictions I have are for myself and I am not to use those convictions to go around preaching to people if they do those things. Thank you very much.


Danny,Liz,Becca,Ben, Abby and Caleb said...

WOO-HOO! You tell 'em, Constance!
It is terribly rude of whoever is posting this stuff! We all know that the Bible admonishes us to "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling." We may not all agree on some issues but we should NEVER try to shove our convictions down a fellow Christian's throat!

Trisha said...

Hey Constance!
I love to do trick-or-treating! I love it when people think they are all spiritual because they don't participate in Halloween, but its ok to gossip and be rude to other Christians. Yep sounds like a hypocrite to me!

Well I love you girl and love all your decorations! I wanted to go to the Bob Evans Festival this year, but wasn't able to make it. Well have a good day!!

Anonymous said...

First off let me say - You are wrong. I do NOT have a strong Holiness background in the Holiness movement.

I made NO harsh statements, everything I said about Halloween is true, Halloween promotes all the wrong things. Take a look down the Halloween aisle the next time you go to the store. You won't see anything that glorifies Christ - it all glorifies Satan.

How is standing up for Christ and standing against the evils of Halloween being un-Christ like?

There's alot more I could say but won't. We each have our own opinions, I base my decisions about Halloween on Scripture. I think no less of you for how you decide to celebrate Halloween but I hope our discussion makes you think a little more about how you spend Halloween.

Thanks for allowing other's to share their view's on your blog.

No, I'm not leaving my name and location, after all, what do you need it for if you never want me to visit you're blog again?

Anonymous said...

Wow, this person needs to quit coming here!! Go away and never come back!! What is this persons deal, obviously this person has nothing better to do and not only that they are having issues!! I wish that there was some way to block these ppl.
Love you guys,