Sunday, November 27, 2011

After thoughts

We had a wonderful wonderful thanksgiving holiday. Had two big turkey dinners in one day. By the way, that's miserable. Then went black friday shopping. Started at 10pm on thanksgiving night and finished at 1:30 on friday afternoon. I don't like the all night shopping. It really really makes you tired. But I still did get a few good things. Didn't do as well this year as I normally do, but I still got the two most important gifts for the kids at a very very good price.

Tonight is the first sunday of advent. We have started a new thing this year and that is doing advent with the kids. Since our sundays are so crazy and busy, we have decided to do ours on saturday evenings. I hope to get some pictures of it to post on here. Last night was wonderful as Chris shared with the kids what advent meant and explained about the wreath and all the candles. Then he read some scripture and each of us said a little prayer. As I listened to my children pray, I sat there and cried. It was so special and sweet to me.

We are all ready for christmas here except for the christmas shopping that still needs to be done. Hopefully this week I will be able to post of all of our christmas decorations. It has been so exciting to decorate our new house that God has given to us. The church has been decorated and our christmas play is in two sundays. We are having it a little early this year due to the fact that I'm due in 3weeks.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving holiday. I am posting a link below here that I found on a blog that I love to follow. She has alot of great ideas and this one is on holiday travel with younger children. Maybe some of the things will be helpful to those of you who will be traveling this holiday season.  This blog is titled "Simple Mom". Have a wonderful and fabulous week.

1 comment:

Stephanie Lynn Burley said...

I'm glad you survived your Black Friday shopping marathon! I did a quick CVS trip on Thursday evening, and then went to the mall at about 11 a.m. on Friday. Just looking at the lines was enough for me...I am not that patient!
I have no idea what is up with my blog. The settings have been checked and rechecked. Until then, I guess I will just continue to post and assume there are a few people reading my! Every time I have the urge to call it quits, someone comes along and says, "Oh, I just looooove your blog!" And I tell myself to keep writing. :-)
I will be watching for those Christmas decor to see how people decorate for the season!